Tag Archives: creation myths

There. Is. No. Big. Bang! A Legal Scholar Gives His Evidence

13 Dec

The above artistic rendition is approved by both CERN and NASA as an accurate representation of the “big bang” and our universe. What’s wrong with this picture?

By Mike McGee

Most people today believe the outdated twentieth-century notion that “big bang” is what created our universe. A minuscule singularity exploded and held enough energy to propel the rocks and stars throughout a cone-shaped section of empty space for more than 13 billion light years of time and space. The hard truth, according to me, is that our universe, however big or small it is, has been around a long time, without the need for a singularity to get it started.

The twentieth-century creation myth of the “big bang” is not and never has been based on facts or observations. It is a fictional story told by scientists who have done mathematical calculations, and cherry-picked “observations” through telescopes. It is full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Continue reading